Starter Guide: Veteran Online Studying

Whether you are returning to school after military service or enrolling for the first time with civilian career goals in mind, there’s a lot to understand before you start your first class. While it will be up to you to start the conversations, ask questions, and make the connections, there are several resources available specifically designed to serve your needs as a veteran pursing educational goals. UNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITS If you are qualified for the GI Bill, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) [...]


Normative Theories of Teaching

Educational philosophies “Normative philosophies or theories of education may make use of the results of philosophical thought and of factual inquiries about human beings and the psychology of teaching, but in any case they propound views about what education should be, what dispositions it should cultivate, why it ought to cultivate them, how and in whom it should do so, and what forms it should take. In a full-fledged philosophical normative theory of education, besides analysis of the sorts described, [...]


Logo Visual Thinking

LogoVisual thinking (also LogoVisual technology and LVT) is a practical approach that helps people think. It is used by management teams, project leaders, teachers and students as a means of tapping the diversity of groups and enabling many people to participate in effective thinking processes. It makes thinking visible and tactile by making ideas into moveable objects displayed on writable surfaces – for instance magnetic dry-wipe shapes on whiteboards. Structured processes guide people’s thinking to achieve their intended outcomes. LVT [...]


Learning Thematic Teaching

Basics of Thematic Teaching Thematic teaching is based on the idea that knowledge acquisition is efficient among students when they learn in the context of a logical and holistic way and when they can associate whatever they learn to their surrounding and real life examples. Thematic instruction seeks to put the cognitive skills such as reading, thinking, memorizing, and writing in the context of a real life situation under the broad aim to enable creative exploration. Steps of Thematic teaching Under the [...]


Industry-Oriented Education: What you need to know

Until 2004, it was only offered to sub-degree education and industry training. Industry-Oriented Education has been introduced to undergraduate degree and Master’s degree since 2004. Definition Industry-oriented education is an method of learning from an industry perspective. With traditional technical teaching methodologies in educational environments, the conventional pathway is to build the foundation learning through subject based teaching of maths, physics and science independently. Subjects based on the knowledge needed for the discipline usually follow on from this. The problem with [...]


Career Elitism is For What?

It indicates that individuals who have not engaged in such career growth are cranks. It is possible, though, to value serious career growth without being an Career elitist, of course. A lesser and broader form of this, intellectual elitism, exists in non-Career circles, so Career elitism might also be viewed as a further extreme of intellectual elitism, depending upon one’s viewpoint. The inclination towards Career elitism is most pronounced in highly competitive and highly regarded environments. The peer review of [...]


Career Guide: Importance of Post Graduate Education

Why choose postgraduate study? There are as many answers to this question as there are postgraduate students. You may enjoy a certain subject and want to explore it at an advanced level, such as a Masters degree or postgraduate research. In a difficult economic climate, you may decide that additional qualifications will improve your career prospects, making you an asset to your employer or a better interview candidate. Many employers look for the advanced knowledge and skills of postgraduates, as [...]


How Important Is Individual Determination

Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is an American college-readiness system designed to raise the number of students who enroll in four-year colleges, concentrating on students in the academic middle. The formula is to increase expectations of students. Originating at the high school level, the program now serves grades 4-12 (roughly, ages 9–18). AVID, which stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination, is a program designed to provide the necessary support to students, particularly those in the academic middle, so that they [...]